High throughput Consensus

When achieving consensus across a distributed network, the latency of that network is an important constraint. How can we increase throughput? How does Little’s law help?

Time to consensus

To achieve consensus, each node on a network needs to send information to each other. Depending on your consensus model, it may have to send multiple series of messages to achieve consensus.

Minimum latency

In latency sensitive trading systems, you send every message asynchronously and wait for acknowledgments as little as possible. The goal is to minimise the cost of recovery after a failure, with the expectation some data will be lost, no guarantee each node see messages in the same order (each producers messages should be ordered)

A constraint on the time to get a copy of the data is the network latency one way, or half the round trip time (link). The delay is apparent only to systems receiving a copy of the data rather than the system producing the data.

Using sequencer

If you need to have total ordering between nodes, a "sequencer" can be added. This centralised service listens for messages and broadcasts the order it has chosen for the messages. Typically this is the order it sees them, but it could order them in any manner. This node has a key/trusted role and the impact of going down is significant. Provided the sequencer is simple and on reliable hardware, the likelihood of failure can be minimised.

Using a sequencer adds latency to all message processing, even messages processed on the same node as the producer as the sequencer needs to order the messages before they are processed.

Decentralised consensus

What if you don’t have one trusted, centralised sequencer? What if you need to protect against Byzantine Failures?

In this situation, each of the nodes need to play a role and achieving consensus where trust is in the super majority rather than any individual node.

This is more complicated and requires multiple rounds of messages to achieve agreement, however it handles random failure best as it assumes from the start that nodes are actively trying to disrupt the system.

In the case of Chronicle Accelerate, it has 4 phases to achieve consensus, meaning the time to consensus is a minimum of 4x the networks latency. In the design we assume the minimum round time is 5x the round trip time to include transmission and processing delays.

Table 1. Round time depending on network latency

Network Latency

Round time (5x)


0.2 ms

1 ms

Multiple servers in the same data centre

0.6 ms

3 ms

Multiple data centres close together

2 ms

10 ms

Within a modest sized city

6 ms

30 ms

Across a large city

20 ms

100 ms

Across cities in the same country

60 ms

300 ms

Europe to North Amercia

200 ms

1000 ms

Across continents with slower links

600 ms

3000 ms

World wide, hetrogenous network

600 ms is twice as long as quality network between London and Japan. This is likely to be an up limit on the sort of network which might be used.

Little’s law and achieving high throughputs

A common technique for increasing the throughput when latency is a concern, is to increase the batch (or block) size. To paraphrase Little’s law:

Average number of messages = processing throughput * average time to process

This determines how large the block size needs to achieve a desire throughput for a given latency.

Table 2. Batch size needed to achieve a given throughput
Consensus Latency 100/s 1 K/s 10 K/s 100 K/s

3000 ms

300 txn

3K txn

30K txn

300K txn

10 ms

1 txn

10 txn

100 txn

1K txn

30 ms

3 txn

30 txn

300 txn

3K txn

100 ms

10 txn

100 txn

1K txn

10K txn

300 ms

30 txn

300 txn

3K txn

30K txn

1000 ms

100 txn

1K txn

10K txn

100K txn

IMHO, I feel more comfortable with batch size of 1 to 1000 as larger sizes have proven to be cumbersome in the past.

This all assumes that in each round, only one block is added, as most blockchain solutions do this. In Accelerate’s case, each node can add one block in a round significantly reducing the size each block needs to be. (You could consider the collection of blocks produced across each node to be one batch making the difference somewhat semantic.)

Table 3. Batch size needed with 25 servers in a cluster
Consensus Latency 100/s 1 K/s 10 K/s 100 K/s

3000 ms

12 txn

120 txn

1.2K txn

12K txn

10 ms

1 txn

1 txn

4 txn

40 txn

30 ms

1 txn

2 txn

12 txn

120 txn

100 ms

1 txn

4 txn

40 txn

400 txn

300 ms

2 txn

12 txn

120 txn

1.2K txn

1000 ms

4 txn

40 txn

400 txn

4K txn


Latency is a constraint but using larger batch sizes can increase the throughput which can be achieved within reason. As batches get larger they add to transmission time increasing latency further placing a practical constraints on the batch size.

Peter Lawrey

Peter Lawrey

Most answers for Java and JVM on StackOverflow.com (~13K), "Vanilla Java" blog with four million views, founder of the Performance JUG, Java Champion

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High throughput Consensus
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